Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Introductionn :-) haha (shreck)

Full name:Claude Olivier Crevecoeur. Hi I was born in Haiti and spent most of my childhood there. I officially emigrated to the U.S in fifth grade. I lived in new York for a while during my second and third grade years, but my mom didn't like the environment, felt it was too hood haha.To this day I don't understand why she felt it was unsafe, Haiti was Waugh more dangerous, yea (I've seen things). I'm not really an interesting person, but I always wanted to create a blog sooo thank you Mrs. Basi (insert smiley face here).I like this class most of the time, the convos are interesting. Plans for the future: I always felt like I wanted to be a criminal lawyer, because my grandfather was a pretty well known criminal lawyer, but I recently found out that corporate law is where the Money is so I'm beginning to have a change of heart.By the way my grandfather had 56 kids, yea not following his footsteps when it comes to that haha. Well I feel like I've said enough for an intro please comment (really could use the grade though)


  1. Wait, so you want to be lawyer just because of the money? I perceived it as so, and found it funny, slightly contradictorial that you had "a change of heart." lol
