Thursday, October 6, 2011

Suicide: taking one's own life

The majority of people who die by committing suicide had a mental illness; depression. Although some people are genetically born with depression, this illness is now increasingly being found in teenagers ages 15-17. They may have went through a negative life experience that their decrepit mind could not handle. Most teens who commit suicide however, were probably sexually abused, abuse drugs or alcohol themselves, not feeling accepted by family members etc. Coincidentally most teenage suicides occur in developed ,countries, especially the United States. The substance abuse lowers their levels of tolerance, and that leads them to land on a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Most depressed teens don't/can't realize or understand that whatever problem they may be going through will get better.

That isn't to say that adults don't also commit suicide. As it turns out however gender plays an important role in adult suicide. While there are many female attempted suicides, there are more committed male suicides. That is to say that while females do attempt to commit suicide a lot, males are more successful at actually accomplishing it. Statistics show that most adult suicides are committed by Caucasian males between the ages of 30-55. These suicides aren't just committed by "poor" guys, but there is mow in this recession a growing number of suicides by relatively successful males. Some of these males are so used to success and never really go through the experience of failing, that they don't know how to handle it, or broke more easily than others when failure does come to pay them a visit. They feel powerless and unable to control their worlds, a world in which they were the kings. Because men are portrayed as the dominant gender in society, it is hard for them to admit/talk about their problems,Because of their pride, and because of that they face all their troubles alone and ultimately cannot handle it. I guess this is where women should consider themselves lucky and stop complaining about felling unequal to men (not trying to sound sexist or anything).


  1. Haha. The last line. Anyway, I like how you incorporated our research we did today. And I agree about why men commit suicide more.

  2. yes, Claude lol ill stop complaining. its men that are the unlucky ones. heh just kidding ;). nice job, this was very informative.

  3. Yeah that last line. Like how you used that line "a temporary problem to a permanent solution" I used it in my blog as well........Anyway I liked your blog especially the point you made about males having to keep that certain stature in society. As a result, males become embarrassed when they aren't in any notable positions or when females are in higher positions them. This just correlates to the fact society is root of the problem; when we are thriving no has much to say but the moment we begin to struggle, society is ready to detail all of our failures and flaws which strengthens our insecurities.

  4. The fact that suicide is so prominent in the male gender just goes to show: we do have a sensitive side. This should remind everyone to watch what they say to people. It could be the last words they ever here. Good post bro.

  5. I just HAVE to add that suicide and women not doing it as much as men... it has nothing to do with equality. I mean, it seems really unrelated. It just shows we're smart enough to seek help. Just saying.

  6. I have to agree with the "swaggology of sociology" and disagree with "maliyaO", gender roles come to play. A man is looked at as the one who goes out of the house and works while the woman stays home (not so much anymore, but thins still that role that men play). If a man of high class and owns a $5 million dollar business and sells it, he made angood amount of money and his wife is happy. Two years later that business is worth $50 billion dollars, the next day he is found washed up on shore after jumping off the bridge (social network reference, lol). The wife is then like wtf happened, jk.
    That didn't really prove my point but I just wanted to reference the movie lol. Loved the blog. Panache!

  7. Good post. Try to include sources of your stats.
